A Year of Music Appreciation
Just a little bit of listening each day can yield BIG results.
Here at Super Quiet UnInterrupted Listening Time, I encourage children (and adults!) of all ages to simply LISTEN to music each day. Sometimes, however, parents wonder WHAT to offer for listening selections.
Our monthly listening calendar is a great way to receive a piece of music each day, all curated around a monthly theme.
If you're not quite ready to commit to a piece each day, then I have a solution for you. Try one piece each MONTH.

A Piece a Month with SQUILT
With this free download you will receive a PDF printable, along with a QR code for easy access to the twelve pieces in a YouTube playlist. Each month a different piece of music is suggested.
A few very simple suggestions for listening are also included, but please listen to this piece however works best for your family. Some families might choose to incorporate it with their Morning Time or Tea Time. Others might listen to the piece before bed. You might also want to play the piece every now and then during the day or during a rest time.
Do a little bit of research about the piece. Write the name and composer of the piece on a whiteboard and keep it displayed in your home.
The important thing is to LISTEN OFTEN.
Ask your children what they are hearing. Does it evoke a specific picture in their minds? How does it make them feel. Don't make things too complicated or stressful. This is simply for enjoyment and appreciation!

BONUS! A Garden Year
You can also visit our homeschooling site, Homegrown Learners, to receive a beautiful activity to go along with your music appreciation.
We've taken the poem, A Garden Year (by Sara Coleridge) and created a free printable and copywork activity to use each month of the year. Your children will have this sweet poem memorized by the end of the year - AND they will have twelve beautiful pieces of music under their belt, too.
Fill out the form below to receive your music appreciation resources, then click here to download your free copywork/poem activity.
I hope it's a wonderful year of learning!