Summer Reading and Listening in SQUILT LIVE!
This summer we will combine music appreciation and READING!
During a normal month of SQUILT LIVE! there are always book suggestions that tie in with our musical topic (most recently we read a fabulous book about Florence Mills from the Harlem Renaissance) This summer those books ARE the topic!
If your kids take part in a summer reading program, I guarantee you will want to join us. This reading program will be extra meaningful because of the music connections and lessons we will draw out of each book selected!

How Will SQUILT LIVE! Musical Reading Work?
You will receive:
- Elementary Grades, Upper Grades, and Adult booklists
- Tracking sheets to log reading and rate books
- Activity sheets for coloring, creating bookmarks, and more
- Monthly READING calendar, with a picture book recording each day
- Monthly LISTENING calendar, with a listening selection directly tied into the picture book of the day
- TWO LIVE! lessons each month (always recorded) where we will take a deeper dive into a piece of music mentioned in our books
- Community Access (PLUS Members only) where we will have discussions, contests, and prizes.

SQUILT LIVE! Musical Reading is designed to be easy and fun!
Reserve the books you can from the library (look for audio versions, too - many of the books in our summer program are GREAT audiobooks!), and if you can't find some of them, know that we have included links to recordings of each and every book on the list.
Watching a recording of a book can never replace the physical act of reading with your child, but there are definite instances when having a recording is helpful.

A few other details about Musical Reading:
- This program is for ALL AGES - we even are including adult books!
- We begin June 1 and finish July 31: Join us for one month or two - we have different membership levels to suit your family's commitment level.
- Membership begins the day you join - Summer Reading materials will be posted in mid May.
- A PLUS membership gets you the bonuses of community, prizes, and extra LIVE! sessions
Make this summer memorable and educational with SQUILT LIVE! Musical Reading. We're going to have so much fun!